Date: 26 February 2017
Location: Bob & Linda
A larger than average group met at the home of Bob and Linda to discuss our book read for February, 2017, which was The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. A show of hands indicated a large percentage had finished reading the book and overall gave it a “thumbs up” but without much enthusiasm. The discussion of books during long hours of chemotherapy treatment was a novel method for the author (the son) to review the many books they read in common with his mother during her protracted illness. Some felt that it was not strong enough to carry the reader’s interest as the book had no other plot and the end was foretold. Nan, who reads the ending of mysteries so as not to “like” the wrong character, admitted to not bothering in this case. To some (this reviewer was one) the book seemed overly long although it was not – a sure sign that interest flagged. Linda put it succinctly, would the woman never die? To end on a positive note, Peggy and Bonnie really liked the book.
Several side discussions were of interest, including the origins of our calendar. As usual the food alone was worth the gathering.
— Gary